Zurich - F&I Products
The Pennsylvania Automotive Association has chosen Zurich North America as its F&I provider of choice. Zurich’s suite of vehicle protection products includes Vehicle Service Contracts, Zurich Shield, Tire & Wheel Protection, Guaranteed Auto Protection, and many more. In 2021, Zurich marked its 100th year serving auto dealerships.
Today, more than 2,800 franchised dealers across the U.S. benefit from their tailored P&C solutions, exceptional F&I products, revenue generating-programs, consultative training, and robust profit-sharing portfolios. Their nationwide footprint combined with a strong financial rating and industry expertise continues to make them the P&C and F&I provider of choice.
Let them help you accelerate growth and protect your legacy.
For more information, visit www.zurichna.com/dealer
For more information on PAA Partnership Programs, contact Allison Mitchell.
Phone: 1-800-242-3745 ext 3361
Email: Amitchell@paa.org
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